No one can conquer me!’

She pulled the crown off the idol’s head
And wore it on herself

The crowds were aghast! They swore at her!
Chased her with sticks, stones, screams

But she slipped into the wilds
Flying beyond their reach

At the magic hour
When sun and rain dazzle the earth
She danced and skipped
Jumped and leaped
Chasing a single rainbow…

Light-footed, she glided
Through the celestial landscape
Wearing her cheap silver crown
She tripped the light luminous!

‘I am DURGA! I am KALI!’

A frog leapt in the slush
She lunged towards it, caught it!

Croaky frog twitching in her left hand
Stick in the right
A tinsel crown aslant her forehead
She was one with the elements

With earth, with sky, with slush
With trees, with breeze . . .

Dancing! Mesmerizing her Gods!

Her laughter gurgled in the wind
Her feet spinning the good earth

And then, the villagers got her

Caught her by her feet
Dragged her through the sludge
Frog, stick, crown, dragged behind
Straggled on the muddy track

‘She’s too dangerous to be left free!’

They signed on a piece of paper
Dumped her in the loony bin
Wiped the vermilion off her forehead
Chopped the long black hair
Razed it to scalp
Locked her behind the solid grill

Left her squalling… on the cold dank floor

Now, when the sky is overcast
And the earth is wet and brown
She walks down the courtyard
Blue-templed and dead eyed

The cardboard crown trails behind her…
None make a sound