FOR a small poetry-reading session
it turned out to be quite a big draw in terms
of audience appreciation. Actress, artist and
now poet Deepti Naval, who was in town recently
for an exhibition of her photographs on Ladakh,
had the small gathering at the Academy of Fine
Arts and Literature totally enraptured by her
yet-to-be-published poems in English. In terms
of rendition the actress in her, reigned supreme.
But it was poetry itself that surprised many.
‘This vulnerability offends me/ I sit amidst
the debris of another relationship’. Thus
went the first set of poems which were mostly
melancholic outpourings, exposing the inner pain
of ‘shattered dreams and splashed colours’.
The second set, were poems written about the impact
of Deepti’s visit to the mental hospital.
The poems highlighted the pain and anguish of
the women confined within the four-walls of the
asylum. As fiction-writer Ajeet Caur remarked,
there is no end to Deepti’s talents, or