Deepti Naval’s Black Wind was launched at the Prithvi Thaetres in Mumbai on December 20. The book of poems that talk of the actress’s life as she has lived it and a fortnight’s stay at an asylum, was released by Gulzar. Then Naseeruddin Shah and Deepti took turns reading from it. Many of Deepti’s friends from Ketan Mehta, Makrand Deshpande, Vinod Pande who gave her first break in films and Raman Kumar to Sarika (looking elegant in a white sari) and Manisha Koirala were there to apprecaite and applaud the trun of phrase and the flood of emotions. Deepti accepted their compliments quietly, almost lost in a corner table, a pretty waif in her trailing skirt and her soft, chesnut brown wondblown hair. The party continued at Deepti’s beautifully appointed apartment after the poetry reading session.